So, naturally, I made a small splurge to suck away more money each month, with Even this is a cost-saving call, though.. given it's been 3 months I've had the PSP and spent nearly $100 on games/movies for it, and Gamefly will be $15 a month on the single-disk option, it should be a fairly smart way to go. (Incidentally, anyone want to buy a UMD of <i>Shaun of The Dead</i> or <i>Lumines</i>?)
Also, Anthrocon plans are looking to take a bit more shape. The room (2 double beds at the Westin) has been booked a while, but roommate assembly has been, as usual, a fairly slow process.I, Buran, and Slickpuppy will be rooming together, but we're looking for a fourth for bridge. Anyone who is going to Anthrocon, please, let me know; even the fact that you'll be there and already have a room booked will help with this process. If you are looking, I'm easily contactable here, page-mailed, emailed, SMSed at 860-$-961-$-6462. The room is booked Thursday to Sunday, though it's not a requirement someone be there all those nights.