Chiaroscuro Lyle Themyst (chefmongoose) wrote,
Chiaroscuro Lyle Themyst

Anthrocon Report: Friday

Friday began with a rather early wakeup due to... roommate's snoring. I won't say which roommate to single him out, as it's not his fault that he does.. but it woke me up from solid sleep at 4:30am. Cartoon-loud sawing logs. After a shower.. an attempt to sleep again.. and another shower, decided it was time to just get moving. Into the chef's outfit- one of 3 I packed this year, and the houndstooth ChefWear pants to match. Boosted some paper hats from work this year, as I wasn't sure I'd be able to depend on the hotel restaurant to hook me up the way the Adam's Mark had.

Reg setup went relatively briskly in the morning, and we opened ahead of schedule, even with one of our tables missing. The big rush of Thursday was past, and we had steady but modest traffic until about noon, when Sponsor/Super-sponsor Reg joined us. Ended up manning a regbook myself as often as not, and still getting used to haveing a functional radio. Next year I needs must buy an earpiece for mine, because of too many "Ops calling Chee[something]" "Cheetah or Chia?" "Kitty mew mew." moments. At 1ish, it was slooow, and we moved Pre-reg up to main registration, where I got things going until 2pm,. and then embarked upon Dealers Room Dash. 2pm until 5pm I was very much in motion, moving right down the entrance: caribouink, dhstein, Heather Bruton, Dark Natasha.. 4 excellent female artists all with tables together, and picked up something from all of 'em. Then zipping along, Rabbit Valley, kaputotter, zoom zoom, I'll take this comic book and these three prints and I'd like you to draw a badge for this person based ont his picture and make them a...

Yes, Conbadges For Co-workers (C4C) was in full swing again. 14 co-workers this time around, including 3 Executive Chefs, 4 servers, 3 Korean interns, 1 BoH busser, and 2 regular cooks (including the GF). Oh, and 2 for me, from Caribou and Lisa Lynx, though those were advance commissions. All told, 10 of the new commissions were issued in 3 hours... and 3 back in my paws by 5pm. I chatted some with warphammer and murakozi while in the dealer's room, but.. Friday I'm still in go go go mode, and I lost track of them at one point or another. I'm always findable at AC- check at the Reg Desk, if I'm not there they know where I am- but worry about finding others...

After the Dealer's room, off to change into non-chef clothing, then recaptured Valent. Checked out the laser show in Warphammer and gryph0n's room.. very impressed at all they got from that rig. Warp gave me Chinese food in modest quantity, but I was heading towards the Kevin&Kell social.. scheduled opposite Kage's Story Hour. *sigh* Well, that'll be a DVD to buy...

The Kevin And Kell social was good; I think TGIFriday's is the perfect spot for such a gathering. The nearby one was only two blocks walk, and quite popular with the con crowd - the waitress there already had a badge someone drew, with "Hi! my name is Alycia and I've met over a hundred furries today!" Made sure she got over and above the large-party automatic 18% tip. Had two Rolling Rocks, and Valent and I both concurred it's a good summer beer- light and hydrating. Two drinks is about my convention usual, which means I've managed since AC 2000 what unclekage has each night at AC. (Love the way that scs_11, a Dorsai, put it: 'They dress like animals, they drink like fish.') Great to talk with Bill Holbrook and Commander Kitsune again.

After that, it was running late. Wandered up to Valent's room, ended up watching some boring TV and crashing in his hotel room. Nice comfy bed and no snoring roommate, and got excellent sleep.

And that was Friday.


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