Chiaroscuro Lyle Themyst (chefmongoose) wrote,
Chiaroscuro Lyle Themyst

Free Comic Day was fun.

Had an excellent time at Sarge's, though I arrived late to the festivities. Missed moments like , which is one of those beautiful cross-genre meldings of geekery. I was there in time to fork my money over to Stormtroopers: . Many other fine pictures at , and Sarge's still has plenty of free comics left.

Picked up quite a few free comics- still working through them. Notable onces included a Tokyopop TPB sampler, a good Image Comics one with an Invincible story I enjoyed, and a sampler with some James Kolchaka Monkey Versus Robot. Also, there was a sale on TPBs, so I snagged quite a few Ranma 1/2s, The Peanuts collection volume 1, Neotopia vols 1 and 2. Also did a sketch swap with Rob Niedojadlo , drawing him Chiaroscuro spurely as a visualization exercise.. with the intent being that he'd draw him afterwards. That somehow got muddled, but he drew a nice sketch for me anyway of Kale the rabbit from his forthcoming strip, and wanted my cheap 10-minute sketch. It really wasn't that good- a standard akimbo pose- but he seemed to like it.

It was a cap to a nice day, wherein I also purchased a new MemoryStick for my digital camera and bought some Supermarket Sushi. As it was put, "A record time in the nerd triathalon: Food, Tech, and Culture."


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